GEO5 软件




In all GEO5 programs, it is possible to change drawing settings on the desktop. Some information can sometimes be missing (additional descriptions, distances, other structures...). In this case, it is possible to use the "Annotations" frame:

  • add user objects (drawings) to the desktop display
  • edit defined objects and use special tools for their editing
  • define objects in layers

The "Annotations" mode is launched by the button on the "Visualization" toolbar. In this mode, the frame contains:

  • Table of layers (1)
  • Buttons for objects input (2)
  • Table of entered objects (3)
  • "Tools" button (4)
  • Editable properties of objects (5)

"Annotations" frame

In the following pictures, there is a simple example of "Annotations" using.

Scheme of shoring structure without annotations

Scheme of shoring structure with annotations

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