FIN EC software



Results display

The workspace in the mode "Results display" shows the results of the calculation. This mode may be also used for organizing members for the verification in verification programs. The tree menu contains following parts:


  • This part is able to display results (forces, moments, reactions, deformations) for specified part of the structure. The results are displayed in the table in the bottom part of the window.

Design members

  • This part is suitable for organizing the members before the final verification. Members may be merged into design members or groups. This operation reduces the verification, as merged members are verified together as one member.


  • The member verification can be done in this part, including the choice of appropriate verification program (basic design, fire resistance etc.). The lists of verified members and considered combinations may be reduced by the user.

The displayed results can be modified with the help of the toolbar above the workspace. The button "" launches the window "Results view settings", where the displayed quantities (forces, moments, deformations, stresses etc.) may be selected. The displayed items (marks, description of joints and members, font size) can be specified with the help of the button "" in the window "Drawing settings". The toolbar also contains the "View manager". The list box "Diagrams" defines, whether the results will be displayed for load cases, combinations or an envelope. The parameters of the envelope has to be specified in the window "Envelope". This window can opened with the help of the button "Set".

Bending moments on members

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