FIN EC software



Edit segment

The geometry of particular polygon segment may be changed with the help of this window. Any segment is specified by the end point and the type. The end point of previous segment is automatically considered as the beginning of the following one.

These segment parameters may be specified here:

Segment type

  • The geometry of the segment. Available options are "Line" and "Arc".


  • The end point of the segment specified with the help of coordinates X,Y


  • The arc centre specified with the help of coordinates X,Y. This option is enabled only for the segment type "Arc".


  • The radius of the arc. The value "Direction" changes the orientation of the arc (positive value creates convex shape when using input in anti-clockwise direction). This option is enabled only for the segment type "Arc".

Any changes are automatically shown in the polygon view in the window "Polygon".

Window "Edit segment" including the updated polygon view in the parent window

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