FIN EC software



Edit member node

Properties of node (support) can be defined in this window. Basic parameter is the position of the node (marked as "X-coordinate" in the window) that is measured from the beginning of the member. These node types are supported:

Calculation node

  • Nodes that show exact values of forces and moments in the part "Internal forces" and also values of deflection in the part "Deflection (SLS)" (programs "Steel" and "Timber"). Calculation nodes influence neither topology neither internal forces.


  • Support fixed in vertical direction, free in rotation


  • Support fixed both in vertical direction and in rotation

User support

  • Support with possibility to define the stiffness both in vertical direction and in rotation

Middle hinge

  • Middle hinge in a beam bay. Only shear forces are transported in this point, bending moment is equal to 0.

General support

This part contains stiffness characteristics for node type "User defined support". The stiffness is defined by spring constants K.

Input of stiffness parameters

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