FIN EC software




The perforation of the cross-section (caused for example by holes for connectors) may be specified in this part of the tree menu. Perforation can be specified in particular sectors, any sector is specified by the beginning and length. Sectors can be added with the help of the button "Add", perforation properties are organized in the window "Perforated sector edit". Modifications of existing sectors may be done with the help of buttons "Edit" and "Remove".

The particular sectors are displayed also in the active workspace. Double-click on certain sector launches the appropriate window for sector edit.

Specified perforation reduces the cross-sectional characteristics of the member, however, the resistance of the cross-section may be higher, as the ultimate strength fu is used in the analysis. This procedure is described in the part "Perforation of cross-sections" of the theoretical help.

Part "Perforation" of member design

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