FIN EC software



Longitudinal reinforcement

The longitudinal reinforcement can be specified in this part of the tree menu. The reinforcement parameters can be specified for the whole member or can vary along the member length. In this case, the member has to be divided into particular sectors, every sectors may contain different reinforcement parameters. The table contains one sector along the whole member length as a default for every new member. This sector can be modified using button "Edit" or by double-click on the table row. The properties of the longitudinal reinforcement (type, diameter, number etc.) are organized in the window "Edit reinforcement sector". The longitudinal reinforcement may be also specified in a general way for check type "3D". The reinforcement has to be entered and modified in the window "Longitudinal reinforcement - general cross-section" that can be launched by the button "" in this case. More sectors can be added (button "Add") for input of different longitudinal reinforcement along the member length. The new sectors are automatically added behind the first sector according to the start coordinate called "Sector beginning". This point is automatically considered as the end of previous sector.

The longitudinal reinforcement in compression may be also included in the analysis. The consideration of this reinforcement in the analysis depends on the setting "Include reinforcement in compression".

The particular sectors are displayed also in the active workspace. The sector lengths may be edit by using the active dimensions, double-click on certain sector launches the appropriate window for sector edit.

Part "Longitudinal reinforcement" of member design

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